Dhow Trip to South Coast

We had a few weeks before we were to start at the school so we decided to do some excursions to see some of the sights of Eastern Kenya. We took a day trip to the south coast called the Kisite-Mpunguti Marine National Park ( Shimoni-Wasini area). That is where we took a dhow (boat) to the marine park and saw dolphins swimming very close to the dhow. The children were very excited to see them in their nature environment. Brenda and Jordan spent almost 2 hours snorkeling in the ocean while the others went in and out of the boat to snorkel. We were able to see starfish, octopus, and many kinds of fish. Jordan said that this was his best day of his life. We stopped for lunch at a ocean restaurant and had seafood. It was a crab appetizer, followed by Talipa fish. Even Ty and Scott tried the crab. Brenda was very excited about the meal and being free on the ocean. It was a very sunny day and we had a great ocean adventure.
In the village of Shimoni we went into caves that hundreds of years ago were for the slaves and severe punishment. It showed the enormous difference between the wealthy and the slaves at that time. There were many bats in the caves that scared us Canadians!
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