Jimmy Gambira Bockle - A Face in our Community

Jimmy is a bus driver for the Aga Khan Academy of Mombasa and has worked there for approximately two years. He is 45 years and was raised in a family of 7 children (4 sons and 3 daughters) in the Kilifi District, which is about 60 kms away from Mombasa. A very sad moment for the family occurred when his youngest sister died of a sickness due to lack of medication. His father worked at the cement factory as well as the family developing farm land for maize, sunflower, cashew nuts, mango and coconut tress. They also had animals – milk and beef cows and goats. The farm goods were mainly for the family, but it was also sold to the market.
Jimmy attended the Kenyan educational system where he completed standard 7 (Year 7) and Form 4 (Year 11). It was mandatory to have English courses in standard school, moreover, his father wanted all the children to speak reasonably fluent English. Jimmy regrets that he was not as focused in school and that he had not continued his education.
He has been married for the last 22 years and has four children, all boys aged 2 years to 21 years of age. He resides in the Kilifi District, which is about one hour away. He was able to build a house made of brick with a tin (iron sheets) roof. To a small extent, he also farms and has some animals to provide his family food.
Jimmy was a Christian; however he married a Muslim and converted. Religion is important but he does not follow all traditions and rituals. His hobbies and interests are football, swimming, and hunting (birds and antelopes). He has “ no time to waste on politics.”
Brenda, Scott et al!! This is such a wonderful diary of your trip...thank you for allowing us to "snoop"...
Your travels have affected and inspirred me in so many ways. Recently I have picked up Stephen Lewis's "Race Against Time". He was involved in the UN form many yrs...is the UN Secretary0General's special envoy for HIV/AIDS Africa, a commissioner on WHO's blah blah blah, deputy executive of Unicef...diplomat etc....you get the picture...
I am going to send you his book if you haven't read it...It's extremely enlightening, on why the situation in Africa "Shames and Diminishes us All"...why we are directly linked to the debt (colonialism, allowing the World Bank to treat people as mere statistics, allowing them to hold a developing nation to the same stringent standards as an Industrialized Nation etc...) Perhaps you'd rather focus on the positive, but interestingly, he is positive, b/c he thingks certain things are attainable, such as the 8 Millennium Development Goals set by the UN..which they are currently desperately short of reaching.....
Let me know if you can get this book there, if you can't, I'd be more than happy to send it to you..It's powerful. Honestly, I struggle b/w being a pull yourself up by your own bootstraps kinda girl, and a, bleeding heart liberal, who once in a while looks in the mirror, and is not proud of the reflection the Western World reflects back upon itself....Ultimately, I think as I am sure you are now learning...it is one world, there is no them, and us, and we are all responsible, for the actions, and inactions we are responsible for ...xoxo c.c.
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