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Location: Mombasa, Kenya

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Book Commentary about Africa

Paradise – Written by Abdulrazak Gurnah Setting – India and Kenya.

A pastor has shown some of the locals the use of the iron plough, and taught them to construct the wheel. These were gifts from God, he told them, who sent him to this place to offer the people salvation for their souls. He announced to them that work was God’s divine edict, to allow humans to atone for their devil. His church was also a school outside the hours of worship, and there he taught his flock to read and write. (Many people who we have met are very deeply religiously. Even though they have little in financial stability they are very spiritually connected. Some believe that God has provided their destiny and therefore should praise God and be comfortable with who and what they are).

She spoke differently, and claimed that the Kiswahili spoken in Lamu (approximately 3 hours drive North of Mombasa) was purer than anywhere else on the coast – Kiswahili asli, ask anyone. (Lamu is where the only mode of transportation is by donkey. There has been many concerns about bandits/robbers and therefore they have set hours to travel into the area with a police escort only. However, it is listed as a very beautiful part of Northern Kenya.

In the month of Shaaban, just before the arrival of Ramadhan, there is a regime of hunger and prayers. (The school is very multicultural and respects the religious and spiritual rights of others. In fact, closing of the school or postponing exams have occurred due to the certain beliefs. There is a specific prayer area for students).

Mzungu (white) lives there. I fixed his generator for him. I told him I could arrange a newer one, but he did not like that. He was shouting stating that I wanted a bribe. A small commission, perhaps… what’s wrong with that? This is the custom. (We find this scenario everyday in terms of residents and ex-patriots - a lack of trust in others).


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