Moses W. Makhanu - A Face in our Community

Moses is 28 years old and was raised in the Bungoma district, which is about 1000kms away up country. He was raised in a family with seven children (5 girls and 2 boys). The family resided in Kenya on a farm that produced crops of maize, beans and sunflowers. They made enough food for their oen needs. He attended Primary School from 1985-1992 and passed with 68 points. He finished secondary level in 1996 with a grade C. Unfortunately he was not able to attend any post-secondary education institution ‘due to fee problem.’
Moses worked as a framer for a couple of years and then decided to move to Mombasa from home in 1999 to find work. He found work quickly as a security guard and has been employed thereafter. The company he works for is called Excellent Security Services (ESS) and has been employed for the past seven years.
In 2000, he married Christine Kauindu and ‘God blessed us with a female child – Phostine Naomy” in 2002. “ Th efamily reside up country in wstern Kenya and he is only able to manage to see them once per year in January. "I have experienced many things in my life, especially in marriage but God has helped us to be where we are today.” His hobbies include gosbal music, the Word of God and "sharing the Word".
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