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Location: Mombasa, Kenya

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tait Runs for School President

Students in Year 5 completed their Unit of Inquiry on – People and Politics. Some students, including Tait, decided to run for President and represent the students in the next academic year. Over 15 students completed a campaign, which ended with speeches to the entire school during the Friday Assemblies. Tait placed second in the votes and will be the President in the second term of the school year. She did a great job in her campaign and in particular her speech. The following is Tait’s speech:

Good morning teachers, parents and my fellow students. I’m here to tell you to vote for me, Tait McLean as your president.

The first thing I’d like to say is how lucky we are to educate in this terrific school. As most of you know, I am from Canada and right when I arrived I was amazed at how welcoming this school was. It is important for this school to feel like home.

I have experience in the Ambassador Programme and would invite more parents to see our shows and this school too. If a new student comes in the school then I will make him or her class buddy to show them around the school. A third idea is to have two or three students welcoming parents to the assemblies on Fridays.

Those were my ideas now and know I want to know about yours. I will send a survey around to the all classes and try to assist. For example, if you what more footballs on the field at break or lunch, I will try to talk to the Physical Education Department. If you wanted more time on the computers and would help plan a schedule with Mr. Jeffery.

The last thing I would like to say before I conclude - is if you vote for me everyone in this school will have a smile on their face. Thank you.


Blogger Unknown said...

Scott, it sounds like you guys are still having a great time in Africa! The kids are sure getting involved in lots of activities - that's great.

How long are you staying there? A while ago, I sent an email to your MRC account, but I didn't hear back. What's your current email address?


12:04 PM  
Blogger McLeanstoAfrica said...

Hi Barry:
Nice to hear from you. I have just returned to Canada and will be getting together with the 'gang'. My email address is as follows:


Hope all is well in your part of the world - I look forward to connecting with you soon. Scott

11:40 PM  

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