Brenda's Olympic Assembly

Each Friday in Junior School a teacher is scheduled to organize and facilitate a whole school assembly. Brenda’s topic was the 2006 Winter Olympics in Tornio, Italy. It was very interesting to observe some of the students, in preparation of the assembly, watching past winter games on a DVD. A majority of the students were not able to differentiate the types of sports found at the Olympics. For example, when asking what bobsledding was, some students thought it was figure skating. There was also a group of students that had never heard of the Winter Olympic Games. Needless to state, this was a very informative unit of inquiry as well as assembly.
The assembly was an absolute ‘brilliant’ performance from all the students. It commenced with the playing and singing of the Italian National Anthem. Imagine, a handful of Kenyans signing in Italian. This was followed by the parade of athletics displaying their country flag. Next, which was the most interesting to watch, was the Year 1 students demonstrating a few of the winter sports. Kyle, demonstrated the skiing but performing a back flip or two. Two students used Cricket equipment to demonstrate the
This was followed by a few speeches by the President of the Italian Olympic Committee, as well as the athletic and referee to complete their oaths. Scott was able to wear his volleyball uniform and recite the referee’s oath. The final touch was there were 5 torch bearers that were able to run around the audience and the last student, ran up the stairs to light the final flame to signify the games are to begin. Ty was one of the runners, which
Jordan has very helpful in the background assisting with the torch run and making sure there was enough spirit to light the touch and flame. Tait was able to be by the flame and cheer as the flame was ignited – Let the Games begin!
Brenda did a marvelous job of organizing and letting the children participate to the best of their ability. Brenda went out that evening to have a few Tuskers – as she was finished her assembly of the year!
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